Donate to #fileroom

#fileroom is a project by Public Herald, a member-based publicly funded nonprofit organization. By donating, you support investigative news and inspiring solutions (Truth + Creativity) in the public interest. Depending on your level of contribution, we offer various rewards, outlined below. You can donate money, time, or talent to support #fileroom and collaborate with individuals and organizations who are working to collect this information. To submit your own files please provide your information on our contact page

For more about donation options check out our DONATE page at Public Herald. But, if you decide to donate specifically to the #fileroom please indicate this with a note in paypal or in a letter for mail-in donations. Donations directly to #fileroom are placed in an escrow account and used specifically for collecting data at

***You can also send donations via mail to the address below : Public Herald P.O. Box 488 Coudersport, PA 16915

For Sending Gift Donations

Sharing Public Herald as a gift for friends, family, and loved ones is a unique and powerful way to show people you care. Here’s the basics for what we need to share your donation as a gift. *Once the donation information is filled out it will open a confirmation page where you can send a direct message to Public Herald, please provide: 1) name of person(s) or organization 2) address (if necessary) 3) email 4) phone number 5) personal message (if needed) 6) instructions (if necessary)

A Note From the PH Editors

If we had our way, money wouldn’t be necessary. We’re willing to work for food, shelter, and a source of electricity, but utility companies don’t barter… yet. By taking the time to read and donate, our work is ensured to stay alive by your valuable contribution.

***We will not publish your opinions just because you give us money. You cannot purchase us as your personal PR firm with a large contribution. You can, however, secure unbiased, nonpartisan, independent, and uncorrupted investigative reporting by supporting Public Herald.

Thank You

Joshua Pribanic, Editor-in-Chief

Melissa Troutman, Managing Editor


Don’t forget there’s more than one way to donate your support. Helping to ‘Like’ projects on Facebook, following us on Twitter, or by signing up in a contact form for volunteer work, you’re helping to make a strong difference in the commitment to truth and creativity. Your time as a volunteer can be more valuable than money.